We got PJ's from Scott's parents. That was one of their traditions growing up, Pajamas on Christmas Eve. I have never had my own pajama pants before (silly I know), so these were one of my favorite presents. Here is Caden's little bunting sleeper. Everyone's PJ's (except Scott's) had penguins on them. Too cute!
Here is Nathan seeing the presents for the first time.
Our pathetic little tree. This was our fifth and final year with this little tree. Most of the branches broke off so we trashed it this year. It was a good little tree though. Perfect for what we needed.
Nathan opening his first gift. The PJ's he got were footy jammies, and he got a package of two. They are so nice and soft and warm. Notice Scotty's PJ pants!
Caden was not so interested. I think he just wanted food.
This is an outfit from Grandma and Grandpa Nelson. You can see my PJ pants. The shirt came with it, but I like it so much I might pretend it is not a PJ shirt :).
Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures from my folks house, but we had a good time. We got a 500 piece puzzle from my brother Jonny and we spent the next three days putting it together. We had a really good time! Nathan really got double the presents, since Cade doesn't really play with his yet. Some of my favorites are my beautiful books. I love leather bound books and I got Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain as well as the complete collection of Jane Austen. But the best gift ever was the Nativity willow tree set. I have been wanting these for five years and my Uncle Arnold got them for me (thanks to my mother). There are still more pieces to add to it, but I got Mary, and Joseph some animals and a couple shepherds. I am so excited. Anyway, I have to go take care of crying babies, but I will update our New Years festivities later. Hope everyone had a fabulous Holiday!
Glad you're feeling better. We are on our way to trying to get better too. This time of year is a tough time!!
Love your jammies, all of them are so cute. Well, Scott, your's aren't cute I guess, lets just say "good looking jammies"? Is that better for a guys pj's?:) Craig laughs when I call any of his clothes "cute".
I've been wanting to call you. Let me know when you're all better and have more time to talk. I miss ya!
Christmas is so much fun with little kids. And I hear you with Nathan getting double the presents, landon thinks that all the toys Torilynn got are his even though they are girl toys. Also it is awesome that you got the Willow Tree Nativity. I want that Nativity so bad but it probably won't happen for a few more years. I am glad you guys had a nice Christmas!
such fun stuff! and I love your long hair and you look so thin! don't go mary-kate and ashley on us skinny momma! love ya!
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