Sunday, September 2, 2007


So, not much has been going on in our lives lately. Caden is keeping us pretty tired and we are always trying to find time to take naps. Makes for a pretty boring life. I have started to get out more. I went to a friend's baby shower and this months book club (we read Harry Potter 7!). I am trying to get Nathan to our weekly playgroups and my new ward is starting a 45 min. music class on Mondays that will start next week.
Nathan is getting more talkative everyday. He is now stringing four-five words together and making sentences. Half the time we have to really think about what he is saying because he is learning new words everyday. He is such a fun kid to be around, so social.
Scott has decided to go back to school in the spring to get an MBA. USAA will pay for all of it as long as he is working there full time and it can be used for the company (business type education). I am also going to try and be starting school again then too. I just have to find someone to watch the boys for me. It will be a busy spring.
So here are some of our latest pictures.

August 3, 2007

August 14, 2007
So I went to go throw a diaper away and came back to Nathan trying to pick up Caden. I decided to help him, but Caden wasn't so sure about it.


Anonymous said...


I can't get over how cute Nathan is! I love looking at all of the pictures of him.
You're doing a great job of being a mother.

The Kerr Family said...

You're boys are adorable. Nathan is getting so big.

Jill said...

Your pictures are so cute! And good luck with going back to school. That's so exciting!z

Anonymous said...

so adorable! kids are such GREAT HELPERS! :) and i will be trying to head back to school too and i know it will be a challenge but what part of life isn't!?

The Blaisdell Family said...

You're going to drive yourself crazy girl!! SO much going on. I admire you for even conceiving the idea of going back to school with 2 young kids. Way to go!!

And those nemo jammies Nathan has on, are those the ones we gave you? I can't believe he still fits them! Ryan would have ripped the seams open by now!

Shillig 1 said...

Great pics & update Christie. I say put off school til Caden is one- enjoy him while he's a baby. School will be there.

Rachel said...

Geez Nathan is getting sooo big!!! Craziness!!

Good luck with school!
